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Superintendent as Moral and Intellectual Leader:
Developing a Sense of Urgency and a Shared Understanding of the Need for Change

The Breakers

July 10-13, 2023

Demographic Resources
Dr. Johnson's Recommended Readings

James, H., Johnson, Jr., Jeanne Milliken Bonds, and Allan M. Parnell, 2021, “Business Alert! Gale Force Demographic Wind Gusts Ahead,” Kenan Institute White Paper, August, available at

Jeanne Milliken Bonds, Anne A. Burnett, and Emma Sissman, 2018, “Community Finance in East Baltimore: a Study of Phase One Redevelopment and Financing,”  Community Practice Papers, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, September, available at

Tim Walker, 2018, “‘Education is Political’: Neutrality in the Classroom Shortchanges Students,”neaToday, December 11, available at

James H. Johnson, Jr. and Allan M. Parnell, 2019, “Seismic Shifts,” Business Officer, July/August, available at

James H. Johnson, Jr., Jeanne Milliken Bonds, & Allan M. Parnell, 2022, Urgently Needed: Equity Tools to Navigate Gale-Force Wind Gusts,” North Carolina Medical Journal, available at




James H., Johnson, Jr. and Jeanne Milliken Bonds, 2020, “Leading, Managing, and Communicating in an Era of Certain Uncertainty,” Kenan Institute White Paper, August 18, available at

Impact Investing: History and Trends, with Jeanne Bonds, available at

James H. Johnson, Jr. and Jeanne Milliken Bonds, 2022, “Addressing Our Rural Childcare Crisis,” The Daily Yonder, January 27, available at








Dean Hand, Ben Ringel, and Alexander Danel, 2022, GIINsight: Sizing the Impact Investing Market 2022, Global Impact Investing Network, October 12, available at

James H. Johnson, Jr. and Jeanne Milliken Bonds, 2022, “Demographically Targeted Approaches to Community Economic Development in North Carolina,” Kenan Insight, September 1, available at



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